Parson is 21 months...that is 3 months away from being the big 2. This still blows my mind, that this little guy has held Aaron and I's hearts in his hands for almost 2 years outside my tummy.
There are some wonderful things about toddlers...their expressions are priceless, they make you laugh like crazy, they are silly, their snuggles, hugs, and kisses are intentional and steal your heart every time.
There are also some less glamorous things about toddlers, blossoming independence, learning to handle and control their emotions, and the "Whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine" mindset...oh and don't forget the tantrums. Most times this is what people and even myself have called "Terrible 2's"
Don't get me wrong, I would be lying if I said I never thought that Parson was having "terrible 2's". But I have to give the little guy some credit. He (and all toddlers) are learning a whole bunch of crazy stuff right now. Think about it, if you and I were just know realizing our emotions and did not have all the words to express it...we would be grouchy to. In fact we as adults choose to be grouchy all the time. Toddlers little minds understand and know exactly what they are feeling and know exactly what they are trying to do. But their little bodies and vocabulary is not quite developed enough to express what they need or want.
Our jobs as parents, guardians, or whatever your title or relationship to the toddler is, is to teach them to understand what they are feeling and how to correctly react to it. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. I will give birth all over a toddler is way harder!
So now in the midst of training and teaching a toddler, reading books on how to do this, and trying to keep my cool when this is happening is real hard.
In the midst of all of this I am seeking the Lord to keep that control and peace in my heart when dealing with this. Colossians 3:15 is something that I have memorized and repeat in my head and sometimes out loud when dealing with the challenges of toddler-hood.
"Also, let the peace of Christ control in your hearts, for you were, in fact called to it in the body. And show yourselves thankful." Colossians 3:15
So instead of calling them the "Terrible 2's" I am going to call them the "Thankful 2's". Because I am thankful for every snuggle, kiss, laugh, cry, tantrum, and accident. Because I am thankful that I have the privilege of being a Mom. Because the Lord deals with my laughs, crys, tantrums, and accidents and I well beyond the age of 2.
This to is a season, I know I wont always be picking up toys, cleaning up messes, wiping dirty bottoms and snotty noses. I also know that I wont always be getting my little snuggles, pure love of a toddler, and hearing "mommy up!".
Even though the days are hard and long...I will remember and repeat Colossians 3:15 and keep a thankful heart. Even on the days I don't want to be thankful.
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