Parson LOVES playing with toilet paper, instead of just saying "No No Parson" every time we were in the bathroom. I decided that I would give him a roll to play with in the loft. He had a BLAST and giggled non stop. Though it was kind of a pain to pick up all the paper bits...I don't regret letting him play with it at all. A perk to this...he dose not want to play with it in the bathroom anymore.
I got an email last week saying an easy way to entertain a toddler is a few small containers of water and dish soap. The email also said, "if your worried about a mess, lay a SMALL drop cloth" Well as you can see here...I had two blankets and two bath towels...which I thought was bigger than a "small drop cloth" Again Parson had a blast. Water was every were... cupboards, oven, microwave, stove, floor, table, high chair, himself, and I. I almost regretted this one while I was cleaning up...but the giggles and smiles made it all worth it.
Have fun, make messes, and most of all make memories...the clean up is worth it.
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