Hello again blog...how I have missed you....kinda.
I have been away from our blog largely because the family laptop was adopted by Aaron to be used as a work tool....since he works for pay he kinda won that one. Anywho, I have only been using my phone which makes blogging nearly impossible.
Lets see..what have we missed. A lot! We had a blast at Disney World. Parson did an exceptional job at being flexible with all of the well lack of routine. We got back home and Mom and Dad had a hard time adjusting because they had to work, cook, and clean again...Parson on the other hand acted like he never left.
He has developed into a little boy...100% boy. Dirt, danger, and the word no are his favorite things to get into and say. I was so thankful because he was never a climber....well he has turned into a brave brave monkey this one. He can climb the jungle gym like never before. Also book shelves, stairs, storage baskets, you name it. If he can stand on it he will. We are working on this....he knows already that the book shelves, couch, and chase are not for standing on. Though to fulfilled his needs to jump and be crazy since we are stuck indoors...We will let him bounce around on his knees like a crazy kid on our bed. (as long as we are there to catch him that is)
Many rooms have become off limits for this toddler. No more Mom and Dads room, Dads office, or spare rooms. Much to much for little hands to get into. For instance my sewing machine is set up in our bedroom...with as button happy Parson is, we are asking for trouble if he is in there without 110% supervision.
He loves to run...I mean run. We are stuck inside because of the cold weather that hurricane Sandy has pulled down. SO he has tons of energy. He ran laps around our kitchen today and thank heavens for my workout ball and his play tunnel because they offer lots of large motor skill energy usage.
He talks like a person...usually. He gets really really shy in front of people who are not...well Aaron and I. Every day he is saying at least 2 or 3 new words. He just amazes me. We will be looking at a book and he will point at a picture and say the name. It was a realization that he does hear everything we say....and remember it to.
He is soo OCD. We went to the doctors office for a fall a few days ago. He needed to show the doctors how he walked because they thought he had something going on with his hips (praise God there was nothing wrong) While walking up and down the hall way...he insisted that he closed every door along the way. If he didn't....watch out toddler melt down. Oh and while we were at the doctors office, they weighed him. He has lost 5 pounds! Why you ask because all of a sudden he is a funny eater. He still eats a ton of healthy food...but he just doesn't want to eat the amounts he used to. Oh and all of the pre-hurricane sandy outside play. He is looking more and more like a little boy each moment.
I finally figured out how to knit and I am working on a hat for Parson now.
I will post pictures later...for now I am off to an interview to see if I can get a seasonal job for nights and weekends.